
Please see the `mpi-advection`_ example included in LIBPFASST for a simple application of LIBPFASST.

This example solves a 1d linear advection diffusion equation

\[u_t + v u_x = \nu u_{xx}.\]

This equation will be split into stiff (\(\nu u_{xx}\)) and non-stiff (\(-v u_x\)) pieces, and hence an IMEX SDC substepper will be used to evolve the equation through time.

The main program is in src/main.f90. The IMEX sweeper needs three functions: one to evaluate the non-stiff piece, another to evaluate the stiff piece, and one more to solve a backward-Euler step. These routines are in src/feval.f90.

Three PFASST levels will be used. The coarsest level will have 2 SDC nodes and 32 spatial points; the intermediate level will have 3 SDC nodes and 64 spatial points; and the fine level will have 5 SDC nodes and 128 spatial points. The routines to spatially interpolate and restrict solutions are in src/transfer.f90. Two coarse sweeps will be performed per iteration on the coarsest levels. This helps reduce the total number of PFASST iterations required.

The solution \(u\) will be stored in a flat Fortran array, and hence this application will use LIBPFASSTs built in ndarray encapsulation. Note that LIBPFASST doesn’t impose any particular storage format on your solver – instead, you must tell LIBPFASST how to perform a few basic operations on your solution (eg, how to create solutions, perform y <- y + a x, etc). Various hooks are added to echo the error (on the finest level) and residual (on all levels) throughout the algorithm. These hooks are in src/hooks.f90.

Note that the feval_create_workspace routine is specific to the problem being solved (ie, not part of LIBPFASST, but part of the user code). It creates FFTW plans, creates a complex workspace for use with FFTW (so that we can avoid allocating and deallocating these workspaces during each call to the function evaluation routines), and pre-computes various spectral operators.

LIBPFASST allows you, the user, to attach an arbitrary C pointer to each PFASST level. This is called a context (typically called levelctx in the source) pointer (as in, “for the problem I’m solving I have a specific context that I will be working in”). Your context pointer gets passed to your function evaluation routines and to your transfer routines. In most of the examples this context pointer is used to hold FFTW plans etc as described above. Note that each level gets its own context because each level has a different number of degrees-of-freedom (nvars).

C pointers are used because they provide a lot of flexibility. The drawback to this is that we loose the ability for the compiler to do type checking for us.